Another distinction is that Muhammad, unlike his predecessors, did not come to the Arabs. He did not come just for his people. Islam is not a religion of the Arabs. Yet Muhammad was born in Mecca, and certainly an Arab by birth—consequences of his birth, choice of the Almighty. And the Quran was revealed in the Arabic language to maintain its purity and precision.
Allah says to Muhammad in the Quran, “You have not been sent Muhammad, except to the whole of humanity as a warner, as one giving glad tidings and most of the human beings simply do not know.” As such, Muhammad is the finality and crown of the great prophets before him.
Since we are using the Quran in the presentation of information, we need to have some background info on the Quran itself. First, the Quran claims to be a revelation from Allah, it says “that Muhammad is not speaking form his own opinions, ambitions, emotions or feelings, but this is a revelation, which is being revealed to him.”
For anyone to be convinced of the authenticity of the Quran, we must first prove that it was impossible for Muhammad to have come up with it; and secondly, we must also prove that it was impossible for any other human agency to have written it. Let us think about this.
The Quran makes the statement: “And we created the human being from a hanging clot in the womb.”
How did the Prophet know that the embryo started out as a clot hanging and clinging to the wall of the uterus of the mother? Did he have some kind of x-ray vision? How did he receive this knowledge when it was just discovered by scientists 47 years ago? How did he know that oceans have a barrier between them to separate the salt and the fresh water? How did he know that the sun and the moon and all the planets are in orbits? These are all mentioned in the Quran. How did he know this 1400 years ago, when our technology and science is giving us access to the information now? An uneducated shepherd, a man raised in the desert, a man unable to read or to write—how could he produce something like this, how could he say something like this?
And how could anyone living with him or afterwards produce something that has just been discovered recently? Impossible. How can a man who never left the Arabian Peninsula, who never sailed on a ship, who lived fifteen centuries ago make such clear descriptions that have been discovered the second half of the 20th century?