While apps are in decline across many sectors, Muslim consumers use a unique set of apps daily. Whether it is to look up the time of prayer, or the direction to pray in. Or perhaps you are looking for halal food in your area, or maybe you need to find your better half but you aren’t interested in the flirtations of mainstream dating apps. Apps with all of these uses as well as a set of apps creating technology for refugees, technology connecting consumers to Islamic finance, and beautiful apps built to tell unique stories are all part of the most innovative global Muslim apps,
iPhone, easy, Android, phone, iOS, app, Apple, Store, Best, Apps, top, processors,
camera, hardware, smartphones, software, install, download, Facebook, Instagram
Spotify, hidden, gems, utility, new, features, tricks, trick, hack, hacks, model,
Guide, Editor, XR, Black, Friday, deals, season, Islam, Islamic, Audio, Video, MP3,
Audiobook, Audiobooks, Free, Google, Play, WhatsApp, Messenger, Rewards, Samsung,
Sony, OnePlus, Snapchat, mobile, operating, system, OS, open, source, touchscreen,
devices, smartphones, tablets, TV, televisions, Wear, wrist, watches, game,
consoles, digital, cameras, PCs, electronics, source, code, Apache, License, iPad,
iPod, Touch, iTunes, iCloud, Muslim, consumers,daily, prayer, halal, food, dating,
technology, innovative, global, Muslim, Seerah, beautiful, story, telling, audience,
Prophetic, biography, migration, Medina,storytelling, interactive, animation, games,
Prophet, Muhammad, life,production, film, movie, Sirah, Quran, Koran, Coran,
instant, access, network, translators, family, friends, language, Urdu, English,
Arabic, World, life, goals, memorize, Memorizing, madrasahs, Academy, Hafiz,
memorization, audio, recitation, tool, Companion, learning, technologies, Learn,
Noor, Quest, Kids, Children, Ummah, Kitchen, masjid, marriages, singles, Zabihah,
fashion, shopping, experience, languages, brands, marketplace, bloggers, designers,
sell, Ramadan, Legacy, spiritual, Economic, Forum, Silicon, Valley, Festival,
trending, digital, company, GPS, Salam, Hajj, Umrah, Islamophobia, Bayan, grammar,
transliteration, books, Pro, most, downloaded, areviewed, prayer times, qibla
direction, Qur’an, Translated, Sira, Al Quran, Arabic, Audio, complete, Coran,
Download, eBook, Format, Free, God, ibn, Ibne, Image, iPad, iPhone, iPod touch,
Islamic, ISO, JILD, Kaseer, Katheer, Kathir, Koran, Lecture, Lectures, Listen,
Meaning, Media, MP3, Muslim, Muslims, non, Online, PDF, Quran, Store, Surah, tafseer,
tafsir, The Noble Quran, Ummah, Urdu, urdudawah, urduquran, اردو, اقوال, تفاسیر, تفسير, جونا, حدیث, صاحب,
صحابہ, قرآن, قرآن کریم, كثير, محمد, مولانا, و تابعین, کتاب, کتاب وسنت, گڑھی Quran, Andriod, app, Apple, Arabic, Asrar,
Audio, Bayan ul-Quran, CD, clips, commentary, Coran, Deen, Device, Download, Dr.
Israr Ahmed, DVD, encyclopedia, English, englishdawah, englishquran, faith, For Car,
Free, High Quality, HQ, Image, in English, IOS, Islam, Islamic, ISO, Koran, Lecture,
Lectures, Listen, Meaning, Mobile, MP3, Muhammad, Muslim, Muslims, Noble, Online,
Play, Quran, Quranic, Religion, series, Set, short, Smart, tafseer, tafsir, The
Choice, The Chosen one, Translation, Ummah, Urdu, Video, Book, Books, books. local,
boy, Brahma, Broadcast, Brotherhood, Bukhaari, Calamity, call, channels, chapters,
Child, Children, Chinese, christ, Christian, Christianity, christians, church,
Clueless, Commit, common, Complex, contradiction, controlled, copy, Coran, countries,
Crime, culture, cursed, Dar ul uloom, Darkness, Da’wah, Dead, Death, debate,
Deception, deeds, Definition, Delusion, Delusional, Deoband, depth, Destination,
Devi, Deviant, Devil, dialogue, Difference, digital, Disbeliever, discover,
distributed, Divided, Division, Download, Druze, Dummies, Durga, duty, eBook,
Enemies, English, entire, Equal, esoteric, Europe, evidences, Evil, explaining,
expose, extreme, Eye, facts, Fahd, Fahsha, faith, Falsely, falsity, Family, Farooq,
Fateh, Fatihah, Fearful, feed, Figure, Fire, Forbidden, Forbids, forgivable, Format,
Free, Fundamentalists, Furqan, girl, Glorious, God, Goddess, gospel, Government,
Graves, groups, Guidance, Ha Mim, Hadeeth, Hands, hear, Heaven, heed, Heedless, Hell,
Helpers, Hereafter, Hidden, hijri, Hindi, Hindu, Holy, Hud, Hung, Husband,
Hypocrites, ibn, Ibraaheem, Ibrahim, idol, Idolatry, idols, Image, Imam, Imran,
Incantations, India, Indian, information, International, Internet, Interpretation,
invitation, Invite, inwardly, IRF, Islaam, Islam, Islamic, Isma`ilis, Jalandhri,
Jesus, Jews, Judaism, Judgement, just, justify, K.S.A, Ka’bah, Kaafirs, Kafirs, Kali,
Kashmir, Kashmir Valley, Kashmiris, Kashur, Kạ̄šur, Kids, King, Koran, Koshur, kufr,
Laws, learn, Lecture, Lectures, libraries, lie, Life, Light, literature, locality,
logic, logical, Lord, Lordship, Luqman, Maa, Madinah, magazines, Mahammad, Maidah,
Majah, Major, majority, Makkah, man, mankind, Maryam, Maulana, Maulvi, Meaning,
means, Media, medium, Men, Mercy, message, Messenger, metal, Method, minds, Mirwaiz,
mis, Misconceptions, Mislead, misrepresented, Mistaken, Mohammad, Monastic,
Monotheism, Mosques, most, mother. father, MP3, Muhammad, mushriks, Mushrikun,
Muslim, Muslims, Muzzafarabad, Names, Natural, New, News, newspapers, Nisa, Noble,
non, Nuh, Nur ul, Obeyed, official, Omens, Oneness, one’s, Online, orthodox, Outward,
outwardly, pagans, Paradise, Parents, partners, Path, PDF, People, Permissible, Plot,
polytheism, polytheists, positive, Power, Practice, Pray, preach, preaching,
Printing, prohibit, Propaganda, Prophesied, Prophet, Prostrates, prove, proved,
Publisher, Qaf, questions, Quran, Quran-e-Karim, Raafidis, Radio, Read, Reality,
Reciting, recordings, Refuge, refuting, Religion, Religions, Repent, rguments, right,
Rituals, Rival, Ruboobiyyah, saad, Sacrifices, sad, Sahaabah, Saheeh, Sahih, Saints,
salaf, Satan, satellite, Saudi, scholar, Scholars, schools, Science, scientific,
search, Sects, seminary, Shah, Shaitan, Shakti, sharee’ah, Shariah, Shaytan, Shia,
shirk, Shiva, Shi`ite, Shi’ah, Sifaat, Signs, Sin, sinful, singular, siparah, Slaves,
Social, Society, sources, Spells, Spiritual, Spreading, Star, stations, Status,
strings, successful, sufficient, Sufis, Sufism, Sunan, Sunnah, Sunni, superstitious,
Sword, Symbol, Symbolic, System, Ta Ha, Talismans, Tauba, Taubah, Tawakkul, Tawba,
Tawbah, Tawheed, Tawhid, Teach, Terminology, Terrorists, testament, testimony, text,
The Noble Quran, thought, Tirmidhi, Tiyarah, topic, topics, Translation, Trap,
Trapped, Traps, True, Trust, Truth, truths, Twelvers, twenty, Types, Uloohiyyah,
Ummah, Un, Unity, universal, Universe, Unnatural, unseen, Urdu, Verses, Video,
videos, Vishnu, Wahhabis, wake-up call, Wali, Watch, Web, Western, widespread, Wife,
wisdom, Woman, Women, word, World, Worldwide, worship, wrongdoers, Ya Sin, Yahya,
Yunus, Yusuf, Zaalimoon, Zaydis, `Alawis Un, کأشُر, कॉशुर, ’Abasa