
Tafheem-ul-Quran – Urdu Translations & Tafseer by Moulana Syed Abul Ala Moududi (eBook / PDF) 17
Tafheem-ul-Quran – A complete Qur’an with Urdu translations & tafseer by Moulana Syed Abul Ala Moududi in PDF / eBook format. It took him 30 years from 1942 – 1972 to complete this great mission. Maududi’s translation and commentary on the Qur’an, “Tafheem-ul-Quran” in easy to understand Urdu, ranks as one […]

Tafheem-ul-Quran – Urdu Translations & Tafseer by Moulana Syed ...

The Message - The Story Of Islam - HD 1
Perhaps the single greatest motion picture ever made dealing with Islam. “It is the 7th century in Mecca, where powerful leaders are in conflict with the Prophet Mohammed (pbuh) who attacks their way of life and the injustice it produces. After seeing a vision of the Angel Gabriel, the Messenger calls […]

The Message: The Story Of Islam (HD)

Lion of the Desert (Umar al Mukhtar) - HD
Lion of the Desert is the dramatic action epic of the struggle of Omar Mukhtar, leader of the Muslim resistance in North Africa in the 1920′s and 30′s, against the imperialism of Mussolini and the Italian army. Despite the challenge of overcoming the fascist Italian war machine with only faith […]

Lion of the Desert (Umar al Mukhtar) – English ...

Quran-e-Karim with Urdu Translation by Maulana Fateh Muhammad Jalandhry (PDF / eBook) 4
Quran-e-Karim with Urdu Tarjuma by Maulana Fateh Muhammad Jalandhry Verily, We have sent down to you (O Muhammad (S)) the Book (this Quran) for mankind in truth. So whosoever accepts the guidance, it is only for his own self, and whosoever goes astray, he goes astray only for his (own) […]

Al Quran with Urdu Tarjuma by Fateh Muhammad Jalandhry

Al Quran with Hindi (हिंदी) Translation (Audio - MP3 - CD) 10
The Quran, a book which brings glad tidings to mankind along with divine admonition, stresses the importance of man’s discovery of truth on both spiritual and intellectual planes. Every book has its objective and the objective of the Quran is to make man aware of the Creation plan of God. […]

Al Quran with Hindi (हिंदी) Translation (Audio / MP3)

Al Quran with Hindi Translation (eBook - PDF) 4
The Quran, a book which brings glad tidings to mankind along with divine admonition, stresses the importance of man’s discovery of truth on both spiritual and intellectual planes. Every book has its objective and the objective of the Quran is to make man aware of the Creation plan of God. […]

Translation of The Noble Quran in the Hindi Language ...

Audio Quran with Urdu Translation by Fateh Muhammad Jalandhry 44
This is the complete Quran with Urdu Translation found exclusively on our website. This is the most soothing compilation of Arabic recitation by Mishary bin Rashid al-Afasy, voice over by Shamshad Ali Khan and very easy to understand simple Urdu translation by Moulana Fateh Muhammad Jalandhari Verily, We have sent […]

Audio Quran with Urdu Translation by Fateh Muhammad Jalandhry

Sahih al-Bukhari_Arabic-Urdu_All_Volumes_1-to-6_ Dar-us-Salam 10
Generally regarded as the single most authentic collection of Ahadith, Sahih Al-Bukhari covers almost all aspects of life in providing proper guidance from the messenger of Allah. The Translation of the Meanings of Sahih Al-Bukhari – Arabic-Urdu (6 Volumes) by Muhammed Ibn Ismaiel Al-Bukhari (Author), Hafiz Abdulsattar Al-Hammad (Translator). Sahih Al-Bukhari […]

Sahih Al-Bukhari in Arabic-Urdu (All Volumes 1-6)

Bayan ul Qur'an in Urdu by Dr. Israr Ahmed 1
Bayan ul Qur’an (Translation of the Meaning of the Noble Qur’an is an audio (MP3) CD, containing Dr. Israr Ahmed’s complete tafseer (Qur’anic commentary), in Urdu. From listening to just a few short clips of this amazing set, the listener will understand the depth and breadth of Dr. Israr Ahmed’s encyclopedia knowledge […]

Bayan ul Qur’an in Urdu by Dr. Israr Ahmed

Al Quran with Urdu Translation (eBook / PDF) 2
The Noble Qur’an is a translation of meanings of the Noble Qur’an by contemporary Shaikh Muhammad Aljona Karhi, and the Tafseer by Shaikh Salah Aldeen Yousf. And Reviewed by Dr. Wasi Allah Bin Muhammad Abbas and Dr. Akhter Jamal Luqman. This Urdu translation was sponsored by the Saudi government and […]

The Noble Qur’an in Urdu Translation (eBook / PDF)

Al Quran with Urdu Translation (Audio / MP3) 9
Al Quran with Urdu Translation (Audio / MP3) Reciter: Mishary_bin_Rashid_al-Afasy Voice-over: Azeem Sarwar (Radio Pakistan’s famous broadcaster) This is the most soothing compilation of Arabic recitation by Mishary Rashed Al Afasy and very easy to understand simple Urdu Translation by Syed_Abu_Ala_Moududi These High Quality mp3 files are available to download, to […]

Al Quran with Urdu Translation (Audio / MP3)

Best of Dr.Israr Ahmed Video Lecture
Dr. Israr Ahmed (26 April 1932 – 14 April 2010; Msc, MBBS) was a prominent Pakistani Islamic theologian, philosopher, and an Islamic scholar followed particularly in South Asia as well as by a number of South Asian Muslims in the Middle East, Western Europe, and North America. He was the […]

Best of Dr. Israr Ahmed