The Choice

Translation of The Noble Quran in the Tamil ((தமிழ் மொழிபெயர்ப்புடன்_குர்ஆன்) Language (Audio / MP3 / CD / ISO Image) 1
தெய்வீக அறிவுரைகளோடு சேர்ந்து மனிதகுலத்திற்கு நற்செய்தியைப் பிரசுரிக்கும் குர்ஆன் புத்தகம் ஆவிக்குரிய மற்றும் புத்திஜீவித விமானங்களில் மனிதனின் சத்தியத்தை கண்டுபிடித்ததன் முக்கியத்துவத்தை வலியுறுத்துகிறது. ஒவ்வொரு புத்தகம் அதன் குறிக்கோள் மற்றும் குர்ஆனின் நோக்கம் கடவுளின் படைப்புத் திட்டத்தை மனிதன் அறிந்திருக்க வேண்டும். அதாவது, கடவுள் ஏன் இந்த உலகத்தை படைத்தார் என்று மனிதன் சொல்ல; பூமியில் மனிதன் நிலைநாட்டப்படுவது என்ன? இறப்புக்குப் பிறகும் மனிதன் இறந்துவிட்டால், அவன் மரணத்திற்குப் பின் […]

Al Quran with Tamil (தமிழ்) Translation (Audio / MP3)

Translation of The Noble Quran in the Afaan Oromo Language (Audio / MP3)
The Quran, a book which brings glad tidings to mankind along with divine admonition, stresses the importance of man?s discovery of truth on both spiritual and intellectual planes. Every book has its objective and the objective of the Quran is to make man aware of the Creation plan of God. […]

Translation of The Noble Quran in the Afaan Oromo ...

Translation of The Noble Quran in the Uyghur - Uighur Language (Audio - MP3 - CD) 1
The Quran, a book which brings glad tidings to mankind along with divine admonition, stresses the importance of man?s discovery of truth on both spiritual and intellectual planes. Every book has its objective and the objective of the Quran is to make man aware of the Creation plan of God. […]

Translation of The Noble Quran in the Uyghur – ...

Translation of the Meanings of The Noble Quran in the Uyghur – Uighur Language (PDF) 1
The Quran, a book which brings glad tidings to mankind along with divine admonition, stresses the importance of man’s discovery of truth on both spiritual and intellectual planes. Every book has its objective and the objective of the Quran is to make man aware of the Creation plan of God. […]

Translation of the Meanings of The Noble Quran in ...

This is the text version of the talk delivered by Mr. Khalid Yasin (an American citizen and a convert to Islam) to a group of non-Muslims.. Through the verses of the Noble Qur’an, Shaykh Khalid Yasin expounds upon the creation of the universe and this amazing world we live in […]

The Purpose of Life

Translation-of-the-Meanings-of-The-Noble-Quran-in-the-Tamazight-Amazigh-Berber-Language-audio-mp3-CD--ISO-image 1
The Quran, a book which brings glad tidings to mankind along with divine admonition, stresses the importance of man?s discovery of truth on both spiritual and intellectual planes. Every book has its objective and the objective of the Quran is to make man aware of the Creation plan of God. […]

Translation of The Noble Quran in the Tamazight / ...

Translation of the Meanings of The Noble Quran in the Tamazight - Amazigh - Berber Language (PDF) 1
The Quran, a book which brings glad tidings to mankind along with divine admonition, stresses the importance of man’s discovery of truth on both spiritual and intellectual planes. Every book has its objective and the objective of the Quran is to make man aware of the Creation plan of God. […]

Translation of the Meanings of The Noble Quran in ...

Al Quran in the Sinhalese (Sinhala / Singhala) Language (Audio / MP3) 1
The Quran, a book which brings glad tidings to mankind along with divine admonition, stresses the importance of man?s discovery of truth on both spiritual and intellectual planes. Every book has its objective and the objective of the Quran is to make man aware of the Creation plan of God. […]

Al Quran in the Sinhalese (Sinhala / Singhala) ...

Translation of the Meanings of the Noble Qur’an in the Sinhalese (Sinhala) Language (PDF) 1
The Quran, a book which brings glad tidings to mankind along with divine admonition, stresses the importance of man’s discovery of truth on both spiritual and intellectual planes. Every book has its objective and the objective of the Quran is to make man aware of the Creation plan of God. […]

Translation of the Meanings of the Noble Qur’an in ...

Al Quran with Malayalam Translation (Audio - MP3 - CD - ISO Image) 6
The Quran, a book which brings glad tidings to mankind along with divine admonition, stresses the importance of man?s discovery of truth on both spiritual and intellectual planes. Every book has its objective and the objective of the Quran is to make man aware of the Creation plan of God. […]

Al Quran with Malayalam Translation (Audio – MP3)

Translation of the Meanings of The Noble Quran in the Malayalam Language
The Quran, a book which brings glad tidings to mankind along with divine admonition, stresses the importance of man’s discovery of truth on both spiritual and intellectual planes. Every book has its objective and the objective of the Quran is to make man aware of the Creation plan of God. […]

Translation of the Meanings of The Noble Quran in ...

Lion of the Desert (Umar al Mukhtar) - HD
Lion of the Desert is the dramatic action epic of the struggle of Omar Mukhtar, leader of the Muslim resistance in North Africa in the 1920′s and 30′s, against the imperialism of Mussolini and the Italian army. Despite the challenge of overcoming the fascist Italian war machine with only faith […]

Lion of the Desert (Umar al Mukhtar) – English ...