Big Pharma has a pill for whatever ails you. This is particularly true in regards to mental illness. Awareness of conditions like anxiety and bipolar disorder has grown by leaps and bounds in recent times, and the pharmaceutical industry has seized its opportunity to capitalize on this trend. But has the medical industry been lured and duped into over-prescribing their patient population? Overpill examines this pressing concern that affects the lives of millions.
The film introduces us to several ordinary people who are struggling with issues related to mental health, addiction and grave uncertainties for their future.
Many patients, who’ve been taking these pills for years, insist that they do more harm than good. They have experienced disturbing side effects such as suicidal thoughts, addiction and even neurological damage. A lot of patients were put on their medication as children and by the time they were legally old enough to decide for themselves, they had already become addicted. They testify that breaking their dependency on the drugs is extremely difficult because, like any habit forming narcotic, they cause severe withdrawal symptoms.