
Recitazione di Santo Corano in arabo da Mishary Rashid Alafasy e italiano traduzione da Paolo Ferri (Audio - MP3 - CD)
Il Corano è diviso in 114 capitoli detti sure, a loro volta divise in 6236 versetti (sing. āya, pl. āyyāt), 77.934 parole e 3.474.000 consonanti. Il Corano viene diviso anche in 30 parti (juzʾ), mentre col termine ḥizb (letteralmente “parte”) o manzil (letteralmente “casa”) viene indicata ogni sessantesima parte del Corano. La ripartizione più anticamente attestata è quella di recitare il Corano […]

Recitazione di Santo Corano in arabo da Mishary Rashid ...

Il Nobile Corano e la Traduzione dei suoi Significati in SOLO Lingua Italiana (Audio - MP3 - CD
Èuno dei libri più letti, venerati e interpretati del mondo. Il Corano, “Libro rivelato”, testo sacro per un miliardo e mezzo di persone, recitato e imparato a memoria in migliaia di moschee e scuole, è alla base della civiltà islamica. Il suo fascino risiede probabilmente nella varietà dei toni e soprattutto […]

Il Nobile Corano e la Traduzione dei suoi Significati ...

Il Nobile Corano e la Traduzione dei suoi Significati in Lingua Italiana (Audio / MP3)
È uno dei libri più letti, venerati e interpretati del mondo. Il Corano, “Libro rivelato”, testo sacro per un miliardo e mezzo di persone, recitato e imparato a memoria in migliaia di moschee e scuole, è alla base della civiltà islamica. Il suo fascino risiede probabilmente nella varietà dei toni e […]

Il Nobile Corano e la Traduzione dei suoi Significati ...

The Army of Satan
The wise person is he who studies his enemies’ strategies and takes the precautions and measures to defeat them. Your Lord has warned, “Indeed Shaytan (Satan) is an enemy to you, so take him as an enemy. He only invites his party to be among the companions of the Blaze…” […]

The Army of Satan (Shaytan)

Muhammad Man and Prophet by Adil Salahi (Audio - MP3 - IOS - Android App)
The Prophet Muhammad (PBHU) initiated one of the most significant religious and cultural developments in human history, bringing the religion of Islam to the world. Adil Salahi’s compelling biography traces the life of the Prophet Muhammad from his birth and childhood to the triumph of Islam and its hold on […]

Muhammad: Man and Prophet by Adil Salahi (Audio / ...

Al Quran with Kashmiri (Koshur‬) Translation (Audio / MP3) 1
The Noble Qur’an is a translation of meanings of the Noble Qur’an by Mirwaiz Yusuf Shah. This is also known as Bayanul Furqan or Koshur Quran. It has been one of the most renowned literature in Kashmiri Language. It is distributed in the mosques and libraries in Kashmir as well as […]

Al Quran with Kashmiri (Koshur‬) Translation (Audio / MP3)

Seerat-un-Nabiﷺ - Seerah in Urdu (Audio / Video) 3
The heart of every Muslim is filled with the love of the last Prophet Muhammad (SAWS) and the love of the Messenger of Allah is a blessing for any Muslim. Studying his Seerah is an act of worship. This biography goes into the details of the lineage of the Prophet (SAWS), […]

Seerat-un-Nabiﷺ – Seerah in Urdu (Audio / Video)

Winning Our Children Back to Islam By Jeffrey Lang (Audio / Video Lecture) 2
Is Islam really the fastest growing religion? If so, then where are the Muslims and why are our Mosques sitting empty on a daily basis (besides the role call, obligated Jum’uah crowd)? There is a phenomenon happening in the Western Muslim communities and beyond that we are either ignorant to […]

Winning Our Children Back to Islam by Dr. Jeffrey ...

The historical Sermon that the Holy Prophet Mohammed (SAW) delivered from Mount Al-Rahmat in Arafat is a principal ordinance of fundamental Principles of Islamic Laws and Ethics. It guarantees for Peace, Progress and Harmony amongst people. This sermon was delivered more than 1417 years ago on the eve of hajj. […]

The Last (Farewell) Sermon of Prophet Muhammad (SAW)

Answers To Non Muslims Common Questions About Islam
Most non-Muslims / Muslims are not convinced about the truth of Islam because there are a few questions about Islam at the back of their minds that remain unanswered. This very well written book / audiobook will answers the common questions in a very logical and simple way a common man can […]

Answers To Non Muslims Common Questions About Islam

Is The Quran God's Word? 1
Islam is not the name of some unique religion presented for the first time by Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) who should, on that account be called the founder of Islam. The Qur’an states that Islam – the complete submission of man before his one and only Unique Creator – is the one and […]

Is the Qur’an God’s Word?