
The Noble Qur’an with Chinese Translation (PDF) 1
Translation of the Meanings of The Noble Quran in the Chinese Language 《古兰经》,一部给人类带来喜讯和神圣劝诫的经典,它强调了人们在精神与智力层面发现真理的重要性。 每一本书都有一个主旨,《古兰经》的主旨是让人们明白安拉的创造计划。即告诉人们:为什么安拉要创造这个世界;安拉把人设置在大地的目的;一个人在活着的时候需要做什么,以及一个人归真之后要面对什么。《古兰经》的目的就是让人们明白这个事实,给人们在今生走向后世的整个人生旅途提供指引。 《古兰经》的主题是,消除蒙昧、接近安拉、和平与参悟。在《古兰经》中使用了这几个术语来表达:他瓦苏姆 (tawassum), 塔达巴尔 (tadabbur) 和塔法库尔 (tafakkur)。这几个词隐含着:获得真知需要借助对安拉在今世各个方面的迹象进行反思、思考和沉思冥想。这本《古兰经》译本和注释就是围绕这几个主题的。 This Chinese translation was sponsored by the Saudi government and is provided free. Publisher: King Fahd Complex For The Printing Of The Holy Qur’an Madinah, K.S.A.  Al Quran with Chinese […]

The Noble Qur’an with Chinese Translation (PDF)

Al Quran with French Translation (Audio - MP3) 1
The Noble Quran (Le Saint Coran) with French Translation (Audio / MP3 CD) Recitation by: Abdour Rahman Al-Houdhaifi et Youssouf Leclerc Translation by: King Fahd Complex for The Printing of Holy Qur’an – Medinah Al-Munawarrah- Saudi Arabia Le Coran. Un Livre divin, annonciateur de l’heureuse nouvelle à l’humanité et un avertisseur. […]

Al Quran with French Translation (Audio / MP3)

Translation of the Meanings of The Noble Quran in the French (Francais) Language 1
Translation of the Meanings of The Noble Quran in the French (Francais) Language Le Coran. Un Livre divin, annonciateur de l’heureuse nouvelle à l’humanité et un avertisseur. Il répond aux questionnements de tout Homme en quête de la Vérité, tant sur le plan spirituel que sur le plan intellectuel. Chaque […]

The Noble Qur’an In The French Language (PDF)

Al Quran with Urdu Translation (Audio / MP3) 9
Al Quran with Urdu Translation (Audio / MP3) Reciter: Mishary_bin_Rashid_al-Afasy Voice-over: Azeem Sarwar (Radio Pakistan’s famous broadcaster) This is the most soothing compilation of Arabic recitation by Mishary Rashed Al Afasy and very easy to understand simple Urdu Translation by Syed_Abu_Ala_Moududi These High Quality mp3 files are available to download, to […]

Al Quran with Urdu Translation (Audio / MP3)

Tafheem-ul-Quran by Syed Abul Ala Moududi 16
Tafheem-ul-Quran – A complete Qur’an with Urdu translations & tafseer by Moulana Syed Abul Ala Moududi in MP3 / Audio / CD format. It took him 30 years from 1942 – 1972 to complete this great mission. Maududi’s translation and commentary on the Qur’an, “Tafheem-ul-Quran” in easy to understand Urdu, […]

Tafheem-ul-Quran by Syed Abul Ala Moududi (Audio / MP3)