
The Noble Qur’an with Tamil Translation (PDF) 2
Translation of the Meanings of The Noble Quran in the Tamil (தமிழ்) Language This Tamil (தமிழ்)  translation was sponsored by the Saudi government and is provided free. Publisher: King Fahd Complex For The Printing Of The Holy Qur’an Madinah, K.S.A.   Al Quran with Tamil (தமிழ்) Translation (Audio / MP3)

The Noble Qur’an with Tamil Translation (PDF)

The Purpose of Life 1
Is our purpose in this world, simply to eat, sleep, dress, work, acquire some material gains and enjoy ourselves? Is it our purpose? Why are we born? What is the object of our existence and what is the wisdom behind the creation of man and this tremendous universe? Think about that […]

The Purpose of Life (Audio / MP3)

Sheikh_Hamza_Yusuf_Hanson_-_Purification_Of_The_Heart_Audio_MP3_CD 4
The Prophet spoke about the heart in a manner that leads one to believe that its corruption means disaster for the soul and our happiness. “Purification” is not a state per se, as you will soon hear, but is a process and always so. It is called the “Greater Jihad” […]

Purification of the Heart (Audio / MP3)